Welcome - We are happy you are here!
Welcome - We are happy you are here!
Looking to get involved in a meaningful way? Look no further than RPHS Choir Booster Club. Our group of parent volunteers flex their creative and collaborative muscles to make the experiences of our choir students one of a kind! There is a role for everyone no matter the skill level or commitment level!
The purpose of the RPHS Choir Booster Club is to support the activities of the Choral Department at Ridge Point High School through fundraising, assisting with concerts, competitions, and shows, and involvement in the activities of the choir.
The RPHS Chamber Choir maintains a versatile repertoire for all occasions. Check availability for amazing live entertainment at your holiday party or gathering!
The programs available at each performance are a great way to advertise your business or tell your favorite singer how proud you are of them! Check out the variety of opportunities available to you!